Today I watched 5 films, all filmed in america, all with american actors. I had subway for lunch, an american brand, ate doritos, amaerican brand. Smoked a cigarette made by british american tobacco and yet I still do not have access to the amercian webhost I bought lastnyt. All I need is the user name and password but its such a hassle because its american, the bank fraud squad blocked my card and phoned me asking about all my recent transactions. Then I get an email saying they tried to phone me today. Eh no u didn't. Swift reply sent making it clear I'm in the UK and bang in the middle of writing this they phone! They confirm the details I confirmed twice this morning and that's it. Just have to wait on the user name and password being emailed to me. We can watch american shows, while eating american food, and smoke american fags but to buy a bit of there internet space apperntly is very difficult for them (and my bank) to understand. So now I have the space and address all I need to do now is create the site....
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