So its been a long time since I blogged. Almost a year infact. Has my life been any different because I havnt shared with the world all that annoys me? No infacts its only today that I remembered about this blogspot. So what the hell ill have a rant.
I looked at my previous blogs, the mot, getting a website and general annoyance at the hole process. You'll be glad to know the car passed mot and I got my web space. The bad news is, ill need more work done to the car before it gets mot'd this year and I have no use atall for the web space. Why says you? Well let's start with the website..
Having just watched the social network I came home thinking I was the next bill gates, buying domain names and web space. The problem is thought that I have no idea how to build a website. Cue me downloading dreamweaver, hoping the reviews saying how easy it was to use were true. They wernt. They were lies. Dreamweaver was like weaving a picaso on a stone with no eyesight. For dream weaver to be "easy" you either need to be a computer buff, or artistic. I'm niether. So after 2 weeks of struggling to build more than a background, which still wasn't right, I gave up. Like all good quiters I didn't do it quitely or simply. But that was not my fault. (It never is my fault), apparently I signed a contract tying me to £3 a month for webspace or sumfin. Now I must admit I probably did, unknowlingly sign up for this, but that doesn't mean I wana pay it when I have nothing in that web space. So emails are sent to the web space people saying cancle my account ect ect. No. They won't do it. Because they are vagina's. Sooo I change the name on my account to CLOSE ACCOUNT and the payment card details are edited to a different card. One that might no nesseciraliy exist. Infact it definatly doesn't. And it worked! No £3 payment coming out my bank biatch's! I did endure 3 months of daily emails saying I had overdue subscruption fee's ect and if I didn't pay my webspace would be deleted. The "mark as junk mail" sorted this problem for me and now I'm free. What did I learn? I'm not bill gates, or picasso. I'm better sticking to what I know. So many people thinking I told you so right now.
So the car you say? Why does it need work? Well I'm fairly sure that bit of the exhaust has a tiny hole in it again, fair sure, not 100%. One headlight bulb needs to be replaced and reallined. Then there is the suspension. In my wisdom I decided to lower the car by 40 mm. Myself. As you may have reliased things like this never end well. So let's just say a lot of money later, one argument with the girlfriend, losts of time spent on it, some flowers and a car for the girl and the suspension still isn't right. The top strut mount are like poking out the mounting points like erect penis's. I think one just needs pushed down and tightend, the other, I may have assembled wrong so might need a bit more work. Work that will not be done myself, I may add. Work that will cost me more money. Then when the car no doubt fails mot there will be more..
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